Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lexus Agency Team One Hires New CEO: Brian Sheehan Out, Jack Mickle In.

My agency alma mater, Team One Advertising, the agency behind Lexus for over 20 years as well as Ritz-Carlton, Bombardier’s Flexjet, and Whole Foods has hired a new agency chief.

Jack Mickle will replace Brian Sheehan as CEO. Mickle, is currently CEO of Saatchi Saatchi Japan a sister shop to Team One and will report to Saatchi Saatchi Los Angeles CEO Kurt Ritter, whose role has been expanded to include all West Coast operations.

Adweek says that Sheehan’s departure is voluntary. He has accepted a teaching position at the S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University while he earns a doctorate degree in history.

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